So for as long as I can remember I've really wanted to be a teacher; they helped me so much in school and I knew I wanted to be able to help others.
The problem is being furry. I'm not public and any videos of me at fur cons is limited to my face (which I'm not worried about). I'm more worried about my being linked to my actual account. There IS adult art/stories attached to it, and I know how people outside the fandom tend to overanalyze it as something more than it is. Any advice, or should I look into doing something else with my life? Vojeto (age 21) * * * Dear Vojeto, It’s certainly possible to be a furry and have a career in any number of fields, but this can be a little trickier if the job involves minors, such as being a teacher at the high school or lower level. The issue there isn’t so much that you’re a furry but that it can be perceived that you are some sort of pedophile. Of course, if you have any babyfur preferences, that would be a huge red flag. But even without that, many people consider furry some kind of fetish thing, and that can, indeed, cause you headaches. All 50 U.S. states require school systems to do background checks on teachers (both current and potential hires). They check, of course, for any criminal history, but also credit history, bankruptcies, employment records, medical records, civil records, education certification, driving records, history of where you have lived, and so on. Schools might hire independent agencies to do background checks, and prices vary depending on how deeply they want to go into your history. I honestly don't know if such services scan the Internet to see if they find any prurient website accounts, but you never know. I’d like to pause here and ask you this: is it essential that you be a teacher in a public school system in order for you to be happy? Before you answer that, I would advise you to talk to some actual teachers (especially retired ones who can speak more freely). The ones I have known who have worked in public schools have been extremely unhappy, many of them quit or retire early. It’s not because of the students (they love the students), but, rather, the administrators they deal with and the government interference in the education process. The bureaucracy and the restrictions on the freedom to teach have become so heinous that literally every teacher I have known who taught grade school through high school said that they couldn’t take it anymore. Now, this improves somewhat at the college level, but not much. My sister is a college professor, and while she has more freedom to teach she spends so much time on administrative work—as do her colleagues—that the joke among them is “teaching is something we do when we have spare time.” While I don’t want to discourage you, and I think teaching is a noble profession, I do advise you to look deeply into what you are getting into. The American education system is a shambles. If you do go into that setting, you should definitely, at minimum, keep any and all furporn off sites associated with your account. Alternatively, you could have a very different experience in a private school setting, so you might want to look into that. And there are many other ways to have a fulfilling career outside the public school system (take a look at the list here). If you become a private tutor, help with home-schooled children, or teach GED students, you could not only find a career that avoids the hazards of dealing with public administrators, but some of these alternatives could be less likely to interfere with your furry life (although, when working with any education company, there will still be background checks). In addition to the above, teaching is, of course, not limited to the ‘Riting, Reading, ‘Rithmetic trio. I’m not sure what subjects interest you, but teaching can involve everything from being an acting coach to a yoga instructor. Again, if you pursue a more private, independent career you are less likely to have people nosing around in your furry life. Oh, and don’t ignore the possibility of teaching adult students, too! Hope this gives you some ideas. Good luck! Papabear P.S. I would love to know if any of my furry readers are also teachers and what their experiences have been!
Storm Wolf
8/3/2015 09:17:31 am
Hi there, As a person who works in the public education system myself there are many pros and cons I can speak of in the career. I do it because I love making a difference in peoples' lives. The pay isn't the greatest, but some of the best benefits. It does not matter that you are 'furry'. As a school can not discriminate against you and the background check only checks for criminal activity you should be fine. I am not only furry but I am also gay. Everyone at the district I work for is more than aware of this and they are perfectly fine with both aspects. I think the thing to remember is that although being furry, much like being gay is not a crime, I would highly recommend anyone using restraint and keeping it out of the classroom. One never wants to give an angry parent ammunition to take to the board of education.
8/3/2015 02:10:54 pm
Thanks, Storm. It's great to hear from a teacher who enjoys the job. I hear from so many who don't. But there are those who do, too, of course. In fact, I spoke at length with one at a recent birthday party. Sadly, I still have to disagree with you on some things you say. For example, while being gay isn't a crime, in some states you can still be legally fired for being gay (cf. Also, even though there are anti-discrimination laws, a culture develops at some schools where it can be most uncomfortable to work there. For example, I know a white teacher who was teaching at an all-Hispanic school in L.A. The principal didn't like him because of his race (try and prove reverse discrimination, good luck) and made his life so miserable he retired early. Of course, these scenarios could play out at any job, not just that of a teacher. In the end, it all depends on the school. Some are better to work for than others. I've gotten a bit too anti-modern-school, I fear, and that's not a good thing, either, so thanks for evening me out, Storm :-)
4/19/2016 06:42:58 pm
What's your contact information please. I have a friend in need of advice. As they seem to believe that they cannot be a teacher and a furry as well. Please send me an email [email protected]
4/21/2016 09:17:37 am
Simply go to the Write Me link in the menu bar :-3
8/6/2015 01:14:53 pm
I'm a PhD student at a school in upstate New York, and I'm slowly coming out as a furry. I have a friend who's finishing up his PhD, too, who is a furry, and I know who wants to go into education when he's done. That said, I try to keep a line between my 'online presence', including FA and SF where there is quite a lot of smutty material, and my RL self, even though it's known that I'm "a dragon", to the extent of my "portrait" on a school website, and the department, being a picture of my dragon self. That said (again), I've also won several school writing awards for my furry fiction, to the point of being told by the organisers that, despite it all being anonymous, they know who's written it since it's "got those talking animals in it".
10/23/2015 03:17:18 am
There's quite the degree of prurience in the US, and even elsewhere there's a lot of issues around the protection of children. I hope people will go right.
Smells Like Boo Boo
1/17/2020 01:06:52 pm
Love you fellas so much! Every time im feeling down, I look at all the wonderful gay furry fan art. My favorite resource for these is this page! Furry's love all people of all different flavors and tastes. My own personal furry is roughly based off of tyler oakley. Tyler oakley is very gay uwu my gay babie boy! Hope you all have a wonderful day! today im going to go sit in the creek in my trailer park neighborhood where they dump all the evidence of the meth lab (which is the orange house on the last row, if you needed to know) and contemplate life. Have a nice day!
2/2/2021 05:51:56 pm
My dream profession is to be a middle school teacher, I own multiple fursuits and have a public appearance on social media. Am I in danger of not being able to be a teacher?
8/10/2023 03:17:03 pm
I've been a furry for almost two decades but have only been a middle school science teacher for a few years. When you become a teacher you loose your privacy that's just the way it is, kids, parents, and grandparents will google you. If there are things you don't want found delete them before starting. I sanitized my social media heavily got a second phone for things like twitter and telegram, deleted my wikifur page (had my face and real name). I did everything I could think of to distance myself from furry, not because I'm ashamed of it but because I enjoy the more adult side of being a furry and I can't have that link to me (It's possible I'm a little paranoid)
8/12/2023 10:08:36 am
Great input. May I quote you in my book?
8/13/2023 05:35:18 pm
By all means, though you may want to correct all the rushed spelling errors. Also if you have any questions let me know. Leave a Reply. |
![]() A note on comments: Comments on letters to Papabear are welcome, especially those that offer extra helpful advice and add something to the conversation that is of use to the letter writer and those reading this column. Also welcome are constructive criticisms and opposing views. What is NOT welcome are hateful, hurtful comments, flaming, and trolling. Such comments will be deleted from this site. Thank you.