Ask Papabear: The First Advice Column for Furries!
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Ask Papabear
Ask Papabear a Question
(My answers are free and will always be free)
Notice to all young people using school email servers
: If you write to Papabear using your school's servers, I will not be able to reply because schools routinely block incoming emails from servers they do not recognize. Please use another free service such as Gmail to write to me or, sadly, I will not be able to respond. Thank you!]
Please submit your question below. You may type in your real name but only your fursona name will appear in my responses.
By submitting this form you agree to allow Papabear to post your letter and his response on this website. Your letter may also be used in other published versions of this website (print books and ebooks, etc.) by Papabear (Kevin Hile).
UPDATE 2-14-20: So many writers have asked me to not publish their letters that the result has been no content on this website. This rather defeats the purpose of this column, which is not only to help those who write to me but also those who read the column. Therefore, from this date forward, there will no longer be an option not to publish. If you submit a letter, you are agreeing to let me put it on this site. No exceptions. I am happy to publish your letter anonymously, not naming names, places, etc., but that's it. Thank you for your understanding.
Your email is required so that Papabear can send you questions about your letter, if needed.
Your email address will never appear on this site, nor will your personal information be sold to third parties at any time
When writing your question, please be as detailed as possible so that Papabear can answer your question more promptly and more knowledgeably.
IMPORTANT: Please limit your letter to
one question
at a time. It is difficult for Papabear to respond to letters in which the furry has a laundry list of problems in his or her life. So, please, one letter and one question at a time. Thank you!
Also, please be patient for a reply. Sometimes Papabear gets behind on his letters; sometimes, even, I might misplace a letter. If you don't hear from me after two to four weeks after a submission, send a
kindly worded
reminder and I will get back to you.
If you are having a medical emergency, please seek the help of a medical professional immediately or call 911 (US only). If you are experiencing psychological trauma, please see a mental health professional (if you are contemplating suicide, call 988 NOW [US only]). If you are in physical danger because of abuse or other criminal act, please contact your local police or call 911.
Indicates required field
Your real name will not appear in the column.
Fursona Name or Pseudonym
Please indicate how you would like to sign your letter. You can use your fursona name, a pseudonym, or just say "Anonymous."
You must use a valid email address for correspondence purposes. Your email will not be published in the column.
Retype Your Email
Please state your gender
other / prefer not to say
How did you hear about Ask Papabear?
Search Engine
Friend Referral
Twitter / X
How would you like this letter to be attributed?
My real name
My furry name
You can sign your letter any way you wish to have it be more or less anonymous. While you do have the option for a private letter in which I do not post your letter on the website, the purpose of this column is to help not only you but other furries with similar issues, so I really do hope I can publish your letter on this website. Thank you.
What is your age?
Age can be a relevant factor in Papabear's response. For example, your legal rights change depending on whether you are an adult or a minor under 18.
Where do you live?
A state or foreign country is usually sufficient; no need for full address. Sometimes it is helpful to add a location should Papabear need to refer you to helpful organizations or other resources within your area.
What is your question?
Please limit yourself to one question per form. Thanks.
(Response time is currently about 1 month; sorry, I'm a bit behind and trying to catch up on letters)