Hello, Dear Readers. Well, Papabear was trolled once again. This particular troll was quite clever. He tried to portray himself as someone needing my help, someone desperately trying to make sense out of life. But when I tried to give him some positive advice, he not only slammed me down but viciously attacked me to the point I had to finally block him. I will be honest here: I just don't get trolls. Papabear tries hard to always see the good side of people. I try to see that, if they act badly, there is a reason for it, such as they have had a very painful life and are lashing out. But after three or four experiences with trolls, I have to come to the conclusion, sad as it might be, that there are, in fact, some people out there who are simply giant assholes unworthy of any respect. (Yes, I know, trolls feed off reactions, even reactions like this one, but I wanted to have some closure here before initiating a policy in which I will simply no longer reply in any form to trolls). Curious, I did a little research and found this article, which sums it up rather nicely. Trolls are twisted, sadistic, nasty people who get their jollies out of hurting others. This makes them the worst possible kind of people in my book. So, to all you trolls out there, this is for you. Despite all your efforts, you will not shake my resolve to help others, you will not put a stop to this column, and you will not make me lose my faith in love and the Great Spirit. You no longer upset me. I no longer worry about why you are the way you are. And, unlike the other wonderful people who write to me, I no longer care about you and will no longer try to help you (and that's coming from an empath!) Congratulations. You have officially alienated the last furry on the planet who might have given a damn about you. You can kiss my... P.S. I'm leaving the comments posted below. Apparently, I have been writing this column for nearly five years only because I need validation from other people and to feel important because I am emotionally damaged. Gee, thanks a lot. This is the thanks I get for spending hundreds of hours trying to help people? Really? REALLY? Someone tries to help others and bares his soul online in an effort to show that he has empathy for others and he gets nailed as an egotistical jerk?
You know what? I wake up every morning crying my eyes out because Jim is dead. At night I lay down in an empty bed (well, except for sweet Ernie the Wonder Dog), and yet I drag myself to the keyboard and try to help people because it is the only way I feel I have any meaning in my life anymore. If that makes me a bad person who is only doing this to suck validation out of strangers, then I guess I'm a selfish, needy twerp. Thanks for pointing that out, Rouge and Lego Man. BOTTOM LINE is this (and, Rouge, since you're so concerned about evidence, this is for you in particular): this column HAS helped people. And, yes, I am proud of that. What have YOU done to make this world that you complain about so much a better place? My name is Kevin Hile. I live in Cathedral City, California. If you want my phone number, you can email me using a form. Who the hell are you, really? Cowards hide behind pseudonyms. I challenge you to leave your name and email here on this site so that people can contact you (I could post your emails myself, but I promised people I wouldn't do that, but let's see if you are willing to have people contact you directly).
9/21/2016 01:44:27 pm
Lego Man
9/22/2016 03:50:45 am
He's emotionally hypersensitive, which is self explanatory.
9/22/2016 07:32:18 am
I share my experiences with readers, Lego Man, so that they understand that I have been through similar things that they have and I know what I'm talking about.
Gregory Kendle
9/25/2016 05:06:51 am
>>Assuming you aren't upset about "people like me" anymore, [...] Unless you do care after all.<<
Gregory Kendle
9/25/2016 05:32:46 am
(continued from 1st post.. I broke the limit ^^; )
9/25/2016 12:14:14 pm
What you say is true, Gregory. Your arguments are more than valid.
9/25/2016 12:34:16 pm
"You aren't trolls. You aren't trolling. This whole situation isn't trolling."
9/22/2016 07:40:45 am
I never said I could read minds. I said I have empathy. BIG difference. That means that I can sense and intensely feel other people's emotions. As with all your responses to me in our email conversation, you don't understand what I am saying.
Rouge (email: [email protected])
9/22/2016 12:01:59 pm
Ugh... "You wanted desperately to tear down my belief system to make me feel as bad and hopeless as you do."
Nikola Alečković- [email protected] (Pseudonym- Lego Man)
9/22/2016 01:54:30 pm
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo. It's a pleasure to meet you, Kevin Hile of Cathedral City.
Nikola Alečković
9/22/2016 01:59:24 pm
9/22/2016 03:10:04 pm
9/22/2016 03:40:11 pm
I see, too, you are only 16. A little young to be complaining you haven't found love yet. I'm probably being too harsh on someone so young. Oh, and if you haven't noticed the escalation of violence in my country, you might realize that the way things are going I'll be living in a war zone myself, pretty soon. And if Donald Trump is elected president, I'm sure I will see a very nasty push against gay people in this country.
9/22/2016 11:44:16 pm
"Anyway, sorry I was hard on you."
9/23/2016 12:05:30 am
"What have YOU done to make this world that you complain about so much a better place?"
9/22/2016 11:52:01 pm
"You're both just very angry people"
9/23/2016 10:07:00 am
Content on the front page is not permanent, so posting your email there is not going to do anything. You've posted your email here, and it will stay on the site that way.
Wolf Star
9/23/2016 10:48:58 am
You believed yourself to be a empty shell, you must had a serious hell of a childhood. Must been parents abusing you or someone that actually cared about you died, or born without love.
9/23/2016 12:46:42 pm
So, you so understand who I am thus the recommendation for professional therapy?
9/22/2016 05:13:14 pm
Rouge, I honestly don't want you to feel humiliated or pathetic. I just wanted you to understand what I'm trying to do here.
9/23/2016 01:51:13 am
Then why are you trying to make us feel guilty?!
9/23/2016 10:08:23 am
I don't have to try; you already feel that way. Anyway, I have a right to defend myself when attacked, and that's what I've done. It's called self-respect.
"How do I know stuff about you from your texting me? I'm actually quite good at this."
9/23/2016 12:03:32 pm
Fine. Professional help.
9/23/2016 12:48:57 pm
Yes, you trolled me before.
9/23/2016 12:55:56 pm
Hi, Zero,
9/23/2016 01:02:42 pm
Still waiting to hear what either of you are hoping to gain by your continued comments.
9/23/2016 01:04:26 pm
Oh, wait, Rogue actually did say what his motivation was, which is what I suspected. Your turn, Lego.
9/23/2016 01:24:37 pm
I have no clue, honestly.
9/23/2016 01:26:25 pm
I see. I find that if something has no point, it's usually best to stop doing it.
9/23/2016 01:31:33 pm
Do you believe that people can change?
9/23/2016 01:34:40 pm
9/23/2016 01:39:24 pm
Have you ever felt similar to how I felt?
9/23/2016 01:55:37 pm
Why do you believe I can become a valuable person? I doubt someone like me could do something valuable to anyone.
9/23/2016 01:46:31 pm
I have my moments of misanthropy, absolutely. It's actually one of several reasons why I'm a furry. However, taking your rage out on others is not the answer.
9/23/2016 01:53:22 pm
One last question: Why do you choose to help me and not other people?
9/23/2016 01:55:27 pm
I'm not choosing one over the other. I'm going to help everyone I can.
9/23/2016 02:04:47 pm
Very well. I will write you a letter.
9/25/2016 07:44:30 pm
OMG, Rouge. You have brought something to my attention of which I was completely unaware. There is such a thing called emotional masochsim. Found this article http://blogs.psychcentral.com/nlp/2015/03/signs-emotional-masochism/.
9/26/2016 05:06:54 am
"Just debating".
11/7/2017 05:07:56 am
i have been trolled as well mostly on Second Life i just block ad report that person i have even dealt with trolls in Roblox one of whom was racist when i called him out him flamed me and told me to choke on bleach which i found hurtful he has since been banned
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A note on comments: Comments on letters to Papabear are welcome, especially those that offer extra helpful advice and add something to the conversation that is of use to the letter writer and those reading this column. Also welcome are constructive criticisms and opposing views. What is NOT welcome are hateful, hurtful comments, flaming, and trolling. Such comments will be deleted from this site. Thank you.