Hello Papabear,
I have been suffering from obsession over Zootopia characters for months especially Nick & Judy and it seems to actually hurting my life, even if the movie is that good. Everyday I've been obsessing and dreaming about getting a hug from Nick & Judy at an Disney Parks because they are so cute and fluffy. However it seems to be impossible for me since I live in Florida and they are confined at the parade at Walt Disney World. They maybe doing meet & greets on a holiday event but I was barred from my parents to go because there are only doing it on some weekdays and Sundays and there aren't any dates for Saturday. Also, I could not afford to book a room at any hotels. It would seem likely on Fridays but they still cannot let me go and afford me there, and those days are likely sold out so it might be too late. It is because I have to go to Technical School. My job was laid off a few months ago. I been trying to contact the guest services about my feels on wanting & requesting to meet Nick & Judy but they still didn't get me and it seems likely that the only bet I can go meet them is to travel to Disneyland Resort at California which Is also hard because of School. Apparently I want to be done or take a break from Disney along with Zootopia. I don't think my Fursona is not a good fit with either Nick & Judy for a couple of reasons and I would rather would see Nick & Judy in a couple. One of the reasons is my (Or my fursona) height was bigger than both Nick & Judy (He's is 5'6 tall and Nick was around his 4'0s and Judy was shorter) and My age is younger than both Nick & Judy (Nick is 32 and Judy is 24) and also my species is the exact same thing as Finnick, another character from Zootopia, Which I am worried that might lead to some conflict or something. But I just can't stop thinking about them and the movie for multiple reasons. Zootopia is like everywhere in the Furry fandom, This seems to be making be a bit sad and depressed. And, Worse, It's hard to not look & heard Disney stuff/related content, from ads, & merchandise to word-of-the-mouth. Seriously I would rather talk watch Anime, Play Video Games, & Watch Movies not made by Disney. This prevents me from stop thinking about Zootopia because those things remind me of it. It also reminds me & makes me sad that I haven't got a hug Nick & Judy, and It looks like I never will. Most of the time the words "Try" & "Everything" irritants me most of the time thinking about how popular is the movie is that change our pop culture, due to song title associated with the movie. Seriously, Zootopia making me like I feel trapped in Disney as a Furry. I am getting kind of worried that Nick & Judy are like the most attractive character by Furries. I really feel excited on Zootopia which is bad for me because It gonna made me sad, worried, & depressing on not getting hugs from those cute, and fluffy characters Nick & Judy at Disney Parks, within the movie. I also hard for me to visit the therapy because it's expensive since I worried that it is going to take multiple sessions to get it cured & I'm not good talking to them due to my Asperger Syndrome, and I don't know how therapy online by chatting is going to work. Things for me turned from fell in love with them in a happy way into an hopelessly addicted nightmare. Even if they are not real, I really don't want to live with being bothered imaginary in my mind by Nick, Judy, & other Zootopia characters while not getting a hug of Nick & Judy at Disney parks. It's my obsession that is like so hard wired into my brain that I'm not satisfied of. This really hurts my School work as well. And I don't mean to end my life as a Furry, unless it's okay for you to let me do it. I'm also open to attempt to be obsessed on other furry characters if all things do not work for me but only if it's not Zootopia. Sorry for my grammar if my writing is bad or if this question confuses you probably because it's a rare type of question. Thanks! Snow (age 21, Manatee County, FL) * * * Dear Snow, I'm going to write you a quick reply here and write more later. Thank you for explaining you have Asperger's. You see, obsessive-compulsive behavior can be one symptom of an autistic disorder such as Asperger's. So, I would guess that your obsession with Judy and Nick in Zootopia is most likely related to the fact that you have Asperger's. The first question, then, is are you being treated for this? Are you seeing a professional about it? If so, you should talk to them about your Nick and Judy obsession to see if they can help. If you can get your Asperger's under better control, it should also help you with the Nick and Judy issue. Write again and I promise to respond promptly. Hugs, Papabear * * * 1. I tried to in many ways. Some of them work temporary (Obession with other characters, masturbation) for a very short amount of time like in a few minutes or one/few hours. I working on masturbating more on them plus stop looking for stuff/content on the movie, but I'm not sure my obsession will go away. 2. I also tried to, But my parents probably barred me because my obession is only the part of my Asperger. I also heard that it requires multiple sections at the time so I probably cannot afford it for now. I also heard that you can chat with a therapy online but not sure if it will alternatively work that way. Even through Asperger cannot be cured, I'm not sure how to get under better control. * * * Hi, Snow, If your parents are preventing you from getting help for your Asperger's, well, you are 21 and you are of legal age to seek help on your own. There are many services out there that can help. Are you insured? Are you covered under your parents' insurance (since you are under 26)? First, go find out what is covered by your insurance. When you say "I probably can't afford it," it sounds like you're giving up without even finding out for sure if you can or not. Here is a list of therapists who treat Asperger's in Bradenton, which I believe is near you: https://therapists.psychologytoday.com/rms/prof_results.php?city=Bradenton&spec=251. And here is a list of Florida support groups: http://www.parentingaspergerscommunity.com/public/491.cfm. Now, even if those aren't near you, you should try and call some of them and ask them for their advice on what you can do with your income level. They will likely be able to refer you to a government agency or nonprofit group that can help. Sometimes it takes several phone calls to track down what you need; the point is to start making calls! Treating Asperger's is not something Papabear is qualified to do, Snow. I can only try and point you in the right direction. I can tell you that just addressing the Nick/Judy compulsion is not a solution because that merely addresses a symptom. You need to get at the core of the problem, ok? Take Care, Papabear
12/11/2016 04:28:05 pm
Therapists are like snowflakes, and you've got to find the one that fits with your needs and personality--but, most people benefit from therapy, once they find a therapist who is a good fit for them.
12/18/2016 06:40:04 pm
Thanks, Troj!
4/15/2017 12:11:11 pm
I too have Asperger's myself and I am a gay male. I tend to obsess over Thundercats and Ninja Turtles which are both cartoons and comic books. I was lucky that I got a therapist who knows about LGBTQ and furry since she has a wife and I am not her only furry client in Rockford Illinois where I live who has Autism or Asperger's. It was thanks to my insurance through ACA / Obama care as some people call it. I am worried that if Trump & The Republicans have their way to kill the ACA then I won't be able to afford the mental healthcare I need. They are trying to do the same to Medicare & Social Security which I am on. It seems like President Trump and the Republicans want to throw the elderly and disabled United States Citizens under the bus with no healthcare. I am in my mid to late 30s ( Age 37 ) and I earned Social Security and Medicare when I was working jobs. Now most places want you to apply on their websites which is impersonal and another Impersonal step other places when hiring don't want you calling them back to ask about job openings or your job app. When I was in job training I was told by the people who is teaching the class to call to see about the job. I do have a male mate and he gets tired of me saying about all the wrongs of the Republicans. =^.^=
6/2/2017 01:05:42 pm
I some times wanna be sedated in an asylum
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