Hi there! My friend told me you were knowledgeable about things and I think some outside opinions would help.
The situation is not dire I'm just simply questioning. I've always been a little bi-curious but usually been pretty good at ignoring it until it went away. That was, until I attended my first furry con and I saw the happy couples and I felt that I wanted that. I guess my question is what should I do about this possible budding bisexuality. Might it be legit or am I simply starved for affection and looking to open new avenues for romance, how would I know what it is? Should explore it how could I start? Thanks in advance :) Lyle (age 21) * * * Dear Lyle, There is no such thing as 100% straight or 100% gay. We all lie somewhere in the middle, although we usually lean one way or another. Those who call themselves bisexual feel they are about halfway between the two extremes. When it comes to relationships, disregard race, nationality, religion, money, and sex. Look at the person. It is a person you truly fall in love with, not their outer shell (those who do fall for the shell are always disappointed in the end). If you fall in love with someone who is male or female and you get along in all the important ways (and the sex is good), then you will have a happy relationship. Whether you are bi or "starved for affection" or simply really horny, I cannot tell from such a brief missive as you have sent. But I can tell you that you shouldn't grasp onto a relationship because you want sex or even because you want affection. Genuine relationships aren't about you satisfying your needs. In other words, do not go into a relationship for selfish reasons. Do so because you are in love and bringing the other person happiness is just as important as the happiness they bring you. Hugs, Papabear
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