I have met some people who have the wrong idea about the fandom and think that looking at furry pictures will make someone have sex with a animal,and i'm like no. Furries don't do that stuff at all. I know furry fandom shuns those who abuse animals. How do i let people know that their views of animal abuse are totally wrong? Anonymous (age 38) * * * Dear Furiend, Once people get an idea into their heads it is really tough to expunge it. You could probably tell them your side of it until you're blue in the face and they will not believe you. Many times it isn't worth your time and energy to bother. It's like with racism. There are people out there who feel, for example, all Muslims are terrorists and all Mexicans are lazy. You could spend hours, days, years trying to tell them otherwise and they won't believe you. Another example would be people who believe the Bible and that Earth is only 6,000 years old. You can take them to museums, have them talk to archaeologists and paleontologists, give them books to read, and they will still believe the Bible. Why? Probably because they were raised to believe the Bible is the Word of God and contradicting it is sinful. You see, emotions and upbringing tend to trump science. This is not 100% true. Sometimes you can actually alter a view, but is it worth all the time and trouble? That said, the best way to increase the odds of changing a bad attitude about furries is for the people who have these views to actually meet and get to know furries in real life. They have to, of course, want to do this. You can't make them. Prejudices and misconceptions are born of ignorance, and people often hide behind walls of ignorance to protect their belief systems, even if those beliefs are wrong, because it scares them to think that they were being lied to all their lives, and they lack the courage and self-esteem to think for themselves. So, in short, while it is possible to change beliefs (this applies to strong beliefs not little beliefs like persuading someone to try a different flavor of ice cream), the chances of success are slim and the possibility of succeeding will mean considerable expenditures of time and effort on your part. You need to ask yourself, then, if it is worth the trouble. It might be if, say, the other person is a spouse or parent; it might not be if they are just a passing friend or coworker. Hugs, Papabear
5/14/2016 02:58:14 pm
Why did you bring up science VS religion? What does this have anything to do with either science or religion?
5/16/2016 09:19:44 am
Vice, nowhere in my reply do I use the phrase "false beliefs," so you should not use quotation marks. But that's a perfect example of someone reading something into an opinion that isn't there because they have strong beliefs (the phrase I used). As for the example of science and religion, I use it as an example of how people with strong beliefs are difficult to persuade, even if you use logic; it DOES have something to do with the letter because you can use all the logic you like about furries, but if people have it in their heads that it is all about fursuit sex (their strong belief) you are going to be fighting an uphill battle. Thanks for the comment.
5/16/2016 09:23:06 am
Also interesting you latched onto the science v religion example but not the one about racism. Pretty clear you were offended because I was challenging your beliefs. Thanks for providing an example.
5/16/2016 09:37:48 am
Huh... I have lost it seems... Very well, I guess it's time to leave.
5/16/2016 09:39:19 am
Also, I should think next time before trying to say something. Now I realise how pathetic that was.
5/16/2016 09:53:47 am
Don't feel bad. And don't run away just because someone disagrees with you. This is the way we learn. Sometimes people call me out for my opinions and I realize I was wrong, try to change, and move on. Hope you stay and keep writing. I am not offended by alternative opinions, as long as they are well-defended. I will give my side of it, you give me yours. Let's not act like Republicans v Democrats, not listening to one another. :-)
5/16/2016 10:09:20 am
It seems to me like I didn't make myself clear enough. I'm not fleeing due to the fact someone disagrees with me, I'm fleeing because of the fact I've lost miserably and ironically proved myself wrong. I have failed and I haven't got anything else to say that will contribute anything new to the conversation. Also, I havent seen one case where you were proven wrong so I can't comprehend what you're trying to say. Once again, I failed and I can't understand how miserable I looked back there. It didn't ring true to me back then when I was all about that "f*** normal" video by Kothorix but now I finally understood.
5/16/2016 10:12:36 am
Also how do you think one can argue about religion and at the same time be well argumented? It's not like any religion has any real evidence whatsoever so now you made it quite clear that it's just a steaming load.
5/16/2016 10:21:30 am
"Let's not act like Republican v Democrats, not listening to one another"
5/16/2016 10:53:27 am
Hon, you really need to stop assuming. I'm not a Democrat. Yes, I support Bernie Sanders, and yes, he's running as a Democrat, but as a matter of necessity. Anyway, I was referring, really, to those in Congress who can never learn to make compromises these days. :-)
5/18/2016 11:54:51 pm
I don't think it contradicts the Bible to say the Earth is 4 billion years old. There are several unknowns with time in the creation process as mentioned in Genesis. The six days, I doubt they were Earth days; after all, the Earth was the thing being created. The days may not even have been of equal length. And how long was the seventh day, the day of rest? I don't know. It may have been a wildly different length! And if I'm reading Chapter 2 right, Adam and Eve were placed in the Garden of Eden after all of this. And how long were they in there?
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