For the longest time I have had a question that I feel hasn't really been addressed anywhere I've looked. The issue, as I perceive it to be, is that I have two fursonas, and I cannot seem to ever decide which applies more to me.
I use both daily, as I have accounts on various accounts that use either one. My first and original fursona is that of a Bengal tiger, personifying the aspects of myself which I desire to have, or to obtain eventually at some part of my life. I'll refer to him as ALoD. I have had this fursona for about 7 months (as long as I have been a furry). He is the more headstrong, outgoing side of my personality that I occasionally display, but more often hide behind my shyness. My other and more correct fursona, as it is 2 months old, is that of a River Otter. He reflects my personality as I am now, and I identify most with this one. He is the epitome of my insecurities, though he is fun loving as well. This fursona is often displayed by my tendency to be quiet and ponderous, yet can still enjoy every aspect of like as a child would (not to be confused with babyfurs). But the problem lies not there, but that while my Otter fursona, which I'll call Churran is just as relevant to me as my other fursona. I view each fursona as a large aspect of my personality, as if they were real individuals, and often find myself wondering "What would ALoD or Churran do?" I can neither place one over the other in terms of importance nor can I decide which one to refer to myself as when introducing myself to a furry I've never met before. I even go so far as to use the name Churran as my furry identity since I like the name more than ALoD. So I ask this. Is there a way to decide, or is this something I will simply need to get used to? Also, is this normal among those in the fandom? Churran * * * Dear Churran, It is not uncommon for a furry to have more than one fursona and it is nothing to be concerned about. I had one furry write me a while back wondering if she was suffering from multiple personality disorder because of this, and, of course, she wasn’t. Many furries use fursonas to help them express their identities more freely. Sometimes, like you, they have different fursonas to express the way they are feeling at the time on various occasions. Later on in life, you might find that you drop one or the other fursona, or maybe add a new one, or drop both and decide on an entirely new fursona. As we change and grow, our fursonas often do the same until we eventually settle down on one or two. For example, I was a wolf, then a dragon, and now very content as a bear. I’ve discovered myself and who I am and that is a bear. You will probably do the same, as you are only 18 right now. Furries your age usually do one of two things after a few years in the fandom: 1) they leave furry forever, deciding they are “too grown up” for it, or 2) being a furry helps them discover who they are and their fursona becomes quite solidified. So, don’t worry about having two fursonas. It’s all part of the growing process and discovering who you are. Hugs, Papabear
Randolph (Excelsior!) Garrett
2/21/2013 04:02:08 am
I like a philosopy illustrated very well on Star Trek: The Next Generation. The capt. had an antique from an alien culture (I think the name was "Curlings") which his archilogist teacher gave him. It was a figurine of a man which then opens up to reveal many small versions of the main figure. And the captian went on to describe that culture as that they believe everyone is made up of many smaller persons representing the different aspects of their mind. We are all made of of many individuals in many ways like that. That's why ensomble casts like on Star Trek are so popular as each person represents a part of all of us that we can identify.
2/21/2013 04:11:26 am
I have one sona, This is what did happen to me.
While my main fursona fits me well, sometimes other spirit guides speak to me.
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