Dear Papabear,
I having been having dreams lately really arousing dreams. Each dream seems to have one word at the end like a puzzle. I asked a hypnotist about a *ahem* penis enlargement mp3 file she posted on YouTube and ever since I've been listening to it, every time I see a horse I get aroused. I look at their penises and my penis becomes erect within seconds whereas around humans it takes a few minutes to get an erection. It's like my penis was trying to connect with theirs. I love horse penises, with a passion. I even had a dream where a horse was having anal sex with me. Now I love all animals, but I'm afraid that if I am attracted to horse/animals sexually everyone will think I need to be sent to jail or an insane asylum. Is this wrong? Should I feel ashamed? Thanks for your time, Buster * * * Dear Buster, Among zoosexuals (zoophiles), the most common types of attraction are either for dogs or horses. Equinophilia is not uncommon, and is a result of a couple of factors, including physical attractions (many find the horse’s rump quite erotic, and, of course, there’s the large penis on stallions), and also emotional (after dogs and cats, perhaps the most important bond between humans and other species is that with the horse, which has been a valuable companion to mankind for centuries). The first thing of note about sex with horses is that, while a male such as you mounting one from behind isn’t dangerous (except, possibly, for sanitary reasons, so wear a condom), being on the receiving end of a horse’s penis can literally be lethal. Some people, therefore, limit themselves to stroking the horse’s member and enjoying the rather abundant ejaculations. So is it, as you say, wrong to enjoy sex with a horse? Should you feel ashamed? As with anything else about sex, it is a matter of perspective. Some of my readers might note that, in a famous page from history, Catherine the Great of Russia set up a contraption that allowed her to be under a horse and receive its penis in style and (relative) comfort. No one put her in prison because, well, she was in charge, wasn’t she? In modern America, sex with a horse is actually illegal. Interestingly, the law was put on the books only after a man died in 2005 from a torn colon. People who are advocates and apologists for zoophilia assert that zoosexuals most of the time actually have romantic, kind feelings for animals; that the other animals often enjoy the experience; that sex with animals is not abusive; and that zoophiles would never deliberately hurt another animal. As with anything, there are exceptions, but, for the most part, it is not a destructive relationship. Is zoophilia a mental illness? Well, that would be like saying that homosexuality is a mental illness, which some people do, in fact, claim. I would say merely that it is a deviation from the norm. In terms of Mother Nature, it is not “normal” because it will not produce offspring, but you and I and many other people know that sexuality is not just about procreation. It is also about emotional and mental well-being. If you find comfort and happiness in sex with a horse and your actions are not hurting you or the horse, then I would go with the Wiccan view and say you’re okay. However, it would not be unwise to seek out the advice of a sex counselor to explore why you feel the way you do. Not to necessarily “reform” you, but just so that you can gain a better understanding of your feelings and what is going on inside your head. You said that a hypnotist turned you on to the idea of penis enlargement, which somehow led you to horse penises. Why were you talking to a hypnotist in the first place? I was a little confused as to what came first: the hypnotherapy or the equinophilia. The final factor of which you should be aware, of course, is the social implications of what you are doing. Knowing that the majority of people will disapprove of your actions will make life tough for you when it comes to sex—even harder, I dare say, than it is for LGBT people. So, exercise caution and discretion. And, it’s always a good idea to seek out others like yourself so that you have sympathetic ears. There is an organization called ZETA: Zoophiles Engagement für Toleranz und Aufklärung (don’t worry, their site has an English version) that would be an excellent source for you. Please check it out to learn more. Hugs, Papabear
Take a Guess
9/28/2014 12:26:07 pm
It's a good thing you are mainly open about Zoosexual Papabear. I been looking at some debating and the most evidence thing I've ever seen about consent was the theory that there is consent. After that: Whenever I see people go against that theory, I don't seem them arguing further or even why sometimes. (I think).
7/27/2017 09:27:37 am
I would say this is disgusting act and most of people who cannot get sex within the human for them its is a easy sex pleasure. it is unjust for animal and whoever does this need to see psychologist
10/5/2018 01:29:08 am
People jumping to conclusions to early disgusts me. Irrationality and closed-mindedness disgusts me.
10/8/2018 05:50:40 pm
Good comments Papa Bear. I have been a zoo sexual all of my life....from as early as I can remember I have been sexually attracted to horses. I fell in love with my mare who is now deceased....I have never until that time of age 40 been so emotionally and sexually fulfilled. With her death....I felt like I lost a wife. I realize that this is a sexual orientation, just like being Gay. You can’t change how we are wired. It sickens me that it is legal to kill an animal and sell its parts to the public... but if you make them feel good sexually...the you are jailed because of abuse....the consent issue does not apply....does the cow or pig consent to being killed....or horse consent to being harnessed for work.
5/16/2021 07:33:48 am
I would be careful how you attempt to justify the physical act of bestiality (zoophilia and paraphilia are merely the attraction to the non-human, bestiality is the actual act of sexually interacting with the animal.)
5/21/2021 08:24:23 am
This is a very good and thoughtful response to the article. Thank you for taking the time to write it.
11/11/2023 07:46:03 pm
Well explained, it is abuse and mental health problems I think
12/4/2021 04:19:14 am
Please do not compare homosexuality or ANY valid sexuality for that matter to zoophilia. We are not your scapegoats for you disgusting fetish. Sexuality is level of attraction to certain genders, and animals are not a gender. Additionally, homosexuality is between two consenting partners, while in “zoosexuality” (which don’t call it that, call it for what it is. A philia.), you cannot give or recieve consent to animals because they do NOT understand what human consent is. No matter how hard you try to push it there is not and never WILL be scientific proof that animals can give consent. And to compare OUR centuries of struggle and oppression to YOUR “struggles” about not being able to legally fuck a horse to make your argument seem better? Zoophilia is not and will not be a valid sexuality. Good day.
2/7/2022 08:54:20 am
I do criticize his response, but he isn't a zoophile. He never even said he was. Jesus Christ. Yeah, I don't get what stance he was trying to take and his response could've been so much better but don't assume he is a zoophile. I can understand why it may seem like that to you, but from what I can tell (and from talking to him), he isn't and he is just taking a strange centrist approach to the topic. Papabear, I love you, but I sometime feel that you are very tone deaf on these things.
2/7/2022 09:08:34 am
Like, I understand you don't want to make the writer feel unloved or hated, but you shouldn't be afraid to take a stance on something and tell them why you take that stance in a calm way. I would've given them a source for psychiatric help, not a website for zoophiles (lol?)
2/9/2022 10:32:07 am
Hello, Furiend. Totally fine that you are not comfortable with my response and have your own views on this subject. It is a very controversial subject. My response is based on the fact that, when writing to someone on such topics, if you take too aggressive a stance against what they are expressing, you will end up just chasing them away, and that is never helpful. I try to remain as neutral as possible on anything that is not patently against the law, dangerous, or harmful. On all other issue, my focus is to meet someone halfway, try to understand where they are coming from, educate them, and then let them continue on their own from there. Thank you for your valuable input!
12/29/2022 08:58:45 pm
don't u guys ever compare yourselfs to us LGBTIQ you bestiality people belong in the same category as paedophiles and necrophiles yall need help being a homosexual isn't illegal but being a bestiality person is illegal like why do you men want a mare for u got women there to have sex with or if u something different u got us gay or bisexual men there to have sex with u got plenty of options there u don't need a mare
8/31/2023 08:53:13 pm
People get so butthurt when they don't understand things, it's hilarious. Animal abuse happens all the time in nature (killing, rape, incest) but guess what, those are HUMAN concepts. They don't exist in other species' language/understanding. As a member of the LGBT+ community and a TRUE pansexual, there is nothing wrong with positive/safe sexual activities between adults of any species. So just like you don't want zoosexuals to compare their lifestyle to the LGBT community, don't compare zoosexuals to pedophiles, because pedophilia is a human concept that applies only to humans, and it is damaging. Animals don't have the same brain or culture as humans do. Stop viewing animals as if they were humans, ergo, applying human values to them.
9/8/2023 07:39:30 am
I don't think it is immoral, because morals are subjective anyway and some people will have a different opinion on what is moral/immoral. When it comes to zoophilia/zoosexuality/bestiality and in this case, specifically equinophilia, it is important to understand that this is not chosen or asked for, but one is born with it and has no choice, but to cope with it.
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