Dear Papa Bear
I have a rather sick fetish that I'm really embarassed about. This fetish is transforming into a bulb of garlic. I know it sounds weird and often people don't take me seriously because they either think it is a joke or they think I'm insane. I have tried getting into other transformation type fetishes (Such as transgender or regression), yet I continue to fantasize about the whole process--turning white, shrinking, filling up with layers, and finally being eaten or chopped up. My question is how should I get rid of this stupid fetish, I just want to like normal transformation. You probably think this is stupid as well, but that is why I want to get rid of it. Brotherlemonshark * * * Dear Brotherlemonshark, Just when Papabear was beginning to fear his column might slip into the summer doldrums, you have sent him a real challenge. Thank you. First of all, your fantasy is not sick. It is definitely unconventional, but it is not sick. Secondly, while this sexual fantasy is a new one on Papabear, you are not insane. Indeed, I believe I can get to the root of your problem here by treating your sexual fantasy in the same manner as I might dreams. As you know, dreams can be interpreted when one understands how they can often work symbolically. The obvious symbol here is the garlic. Did you know that garlic--and its cousin the onion--has uses both in magic and as an aphrodisiac? Garlic has been used as a folk remedy to prevent premature ejaculation, and onions as a sexual stimulant. But in addition to sexuality, the foods of the onion family are also associated with other human passions, such as jealousy, greed, and anger. As for its magical qualities, garlic has been associated with magic since the time of the ancient Greeks (if not before), who associated it with the goddess of magic, Hecate. Practitioners of magic have made potions with it for love, passion, and protection (we see the latter case surviving today in the form of the myth about vampires being frightened away by cloves garlic), as well as healing, courage, and consecration. Papabear doesn’t know whether or not you do from your letter, but if you have any knowledge of magic or folk remedies at all, you would surely be aware of the above, and your sexual fantasy would thus be easily explained as a subconscious symbol of your desire for passion and love. Even if you have no previous knowledge of garlic’s properties, the symbolism remains. As for the part about being cut up and eaten, well, that is just a variation of the more common vore fantasy that many people have. Vore fantasies are typically a metaphor for submission—the ultimate submission of allowing oneself to be utterly consumed. Putting two and two together, Papabear’s diagnosis is that you wish to be consumed by passion, and that this desire is expressed symbolically through the fantasy of being a bulb of garlic. Either that, or you eat too much Italian food (kidding). Okay, so, how would one get rid of this fantasy? Well, now that you more fully understand it, perhaps you don’t need to. Perhaps now you can simply accept it for what it is. If not—if you are dead set on having a new fantasy—perhaps you can through the act of transferrence to a fantasy with similar implications but with the same subconscious source. You could, for example, try and focus on more traditional vore fantasies, such as your being a young, subby furry who gets eaten by a dragon. (Note this is a vore fantasy and not a transformation fantasy, something you tried unsuccessfully to do). In the end, the mind wants what the mind wants. You have to agree that your fantasy certainly does make you a pretty unique individual in this regard. Why not just embrace it? Viva la difference! Papabear
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