Hello, Papabear,
I just had one hard question: every time I draw and post art online other furries hate it. Although I’m making a project for a comic book, they hated it and sometimes they report me for hate. I don’t hate furries, but all I did is draw humans the good guys and they’re Mexican soldiers fighting anthros, saving the world from evil creatures. Every time I post them, furries blocked me and some are cool with it. This has to do with my Christian religion and I always thought that furries are open minded but I believe they’re open minded but limited to things. Furries I talk to are aholes sometimes and I meet new friends on the fandom. And I meet Christian furries that do understand me. Ronnie Alvarez (age 28) * * * Dear Ronnie, Wow. This is not a “hard question” at all. You are drawing art in which anthros (portrayed as evil) are being attacked and hated by human soldiers, apparently. Now, look at it from the other side, which you actually do in your letter. Don’t you hate it when people don’t like your art because it is homophilic (favors humans)? Don’t you feel persecuted for your Christian beliefs by feeling that the furries aren’t tolerant of what you are doing? Can you seriously not understand that furries would feel the same way about your art? Complaining that furries aren’t open minded enough to accept your art is to misunderstand what it means to be open minded. Open minded doesn’t mean accepting hatred. Furries don’t dislike you because you are Christian (as you noted, there are Christian furries in the fandom), they dislike your art because it inflames their sensitivities of already being persecuted. Your question is like asking why black people wouldn’t appreciate hooded KKK members marching down a street in Savannah, Georgia. KKK members espouse Christianity, too, you know. Doesn’t mean blacks don’t like Christians (many many African Americans are Christians); it means they don’t like hatred. You can say "I don't hate furries" all you like, but actions speak louder than words. Understand? My suggestion: either seek another (non-furry) audience for your art or draw art that furries will enjoy. Continuing to do what you are doing just deliberately stokes the fire of hatred. Papabear
3/30/2016 11:16:25 am
I have one hard question: Why do people always fight over the smallest things like skin colour or being a furry, I don't understand and I never will, I wish that society was more accepting. Even my fandom gets oppressed sometimes but not on the scale that furries are oppressed.
3/30/2016 07:25:07 pm
Short answer: because people are uncomfortable with others whom they do not understand and seem strange to them.
Sounds like to me the problem is a matter context. If were talking about fighting Werewolves and other other worldly demonic beings ( the Monsters INC. books for example) I am fine with it but a furry forum would be the wrong audience. We furries could easy take it out of context. An audience and four interested in horror and fantasy would be a better fit. If you doing comic as a trolling the furry fandom then shame on you. As a Christian who happens to be a furry that would be a sin Christ had died for sin.
4/1/2016 04:23:21 am
I don't think he's trolling or hating on furries, he just got the wrong audience. It's not good to portray furries as the bad guys and post it on a furry website. Other furries may see it as inflammatory and rude.
6/13/2016 08:38:39 pm
so youre telling me to stop making art is that it? I have rights too you know now im soo close to post a comic book online its just only a few more years and thats it.
Ronnie Alvarez
6/21/2017 09:10:56 pm
I'm not a furry stop mocking my faith!, this is why the people hate the fandom you hate other groups and nonfurries this is my I did this shit I use to be a furry now its payback.
6/2/2017 01:02:00 pm
some of such literature could be considered hate speech which would mean time in a federal prison
Ronnie Alvarez
6/2/2017 03:36:42 pm
its fictions its not real you guys compare furries as gays.
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