My name is Rueben and I would like to ask you an important question. My boyfriend of two years, XXX, is worried about me. He introduced me to the furry lifestyle three years ago and has encouraged me into all sorts of furry stuff, being into a furry thing. Another point is that I have recently signed up to 4chan.com and have seen many graphic images and videos online, most of which involving men in giraffe costumes. I don't even know how it happened, I was just searching up baddragon.com and then landing on really sexual images, my question is, is it weird if the manipulation of being a furry has an impact on my physicality and my thoughts towards more specifically my sexual fantasies and thoughts about it at night. The real issue is that Liam is 16, then, and since there is a five year gap all my friends now call me Peter File but I don't care; the heart wants what the heart wants. ... Ty for anything you can say should I move on or continue on this path as five years isn't really an issue once we're older. Thank You. Rueben Pingle (Toronto, age 21) * * * Hi, Rueben, This is a couple of questions, of course. Let’s tackle the age thing, first. Not that long ago, marrying a 16-year-old (and even younger) was commonplace. Today, we are more squeamish about such things. In America, most states have a legal age of consent set at 18, but I notice that in Canada the age of sexual consent is 16 (and before 2008 it was 14!), when it involves consensual sex and not pornography or sexual slavery. Anyway, when it comes to the legal side of it, you’re fine in Canada. Socially, as you note, you might set yourself up for a little mocking. Sounds like you are taking it in stride. My only advice for you there is to take it very slowly, especially with big decisions such as sex or possible engagement. That said, Papabear finds nothing wrong, morally, with what you are doing and I wish you well. Indeed, as the two of you age, this will become less and less of an issue. As for furporn and the whole giraffe thing, I will have to shake a finger at you and say, “Do not blame furry art for what turns you on sexually” (c'mon, you don't just accidentally find giraffe porn; even in Furryland, you have to do a little searching on something that specific). Too many people (especially mundanes) raise the accusation that furporn perverts people. Actually, people’s sexuality is already set up inside them, so they are primed to like, or not like, what they find on the Internet. If you didn’t have something within you already that would find naked anthro giraffes sexy, then you wouldn’t be turned on upon seeing them on a website. So, don’t blame the porn. Furthermore, don’t blame your boyfriend for influencing you here. You are 21 and perfectly capable of showing him the palm of your hand and saying, “Hey, I’m fine if you’re into that, but it’s not for me.” This does not mean that the two of you cannot have a healthy, loving relationship. I loved my mate to pieces, and he loved me, but he was not a furry. Be a furry or don’t be a furry; that is your decision, not anyone else’s. And, if you like anthro-giraffe porn and have fantasies about it, share them with your mate and have fun with it. I hope that answers your question. Wishing You Love and Happiness, Papabear
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