Just so you know, this might get a bit garbled, so apologies if it does. I'm having a rather unusual and very stupid problem which I know is unfounded and shouldn't be an issue but unfortunately is. You see I am...well, I hate to say 'in love with' but it seems to be that way with the cartoon character Tech E Coyote. The problem I have is I keep on seeing pictures of him doing all sorts of naughty things with other fursonas and...well it ticks me off. I will happily say that is defiantly shouldn't annoy me and everyone should be entitled to having their share of romance with a cartoon character and so on, but it's causing me to be...well angry with people I've never even met or talked to before, which just ain't damn right. I did think it was due to my brain almost thinking he was cheating on me, or something stupid like that, but it doesn’t happen with other male fursonas, only with female ones. I don't know if this is me trying to fool myself into thinking he's gay or something, but I really want to get this to stop happening, I shouldn't be having this happen. I've tried drawing my fursona with him, and it turns out terribly since I cannot draw at all. My question mainly is, is this natural and can I do anything about it? Thanks Stettfudd * * * Hi, Stettfudd, A lot of furries have what is technically called “schediaphilia,” which is an attraction for cartoon characters. Your attraction for Tech E Coyote is sexual, indeed, though you also say you love the character. And the only reason you are seeing Tech E in sexually explicit drawings online is because you are searching for furporn. The obvious solution for that problem is for you to stop looking at furporn on the Internet. If you don’t see Tech E “cheating” on you, you won’t get upset. You know, intellectually, that Tech E is fictional, and, therefore, you can’t have a relationship of any kind with him. Therefore, too, your jealousy and anger for those who are drawing Tech E in sexual situations is irrational. If you recognize this as true, that is a big step toward getting over your “love” for a drawing. The next step is to wean yourself off this character—and cartoons in general—and spend more time interacting with real people and less time with fictional personalities. That’s probably how you got into this dilemma in the first place: substituting fiction for reality. It might have been safer, at first, because cartoon characters don’t hurt your feelings or reject you, but now you are seeing just how unhealthy this can be. Extract yourself from the world of fantasy and animation; join the real world and you will hopefully meet a real person to fall in love with who won’t appear in someone else’s illustrated wet dream. This doesn't mean I'm against cartoon viewing, but in your case it has become an unhealthy obsession, so you need a break. In addition, your feelings of anger might be a case of transference. This is just speculation, but you might have some deep-seated anger issues about something else in your life that are coming to the surface via an artificial trigger: Tech E “cheating” on you. This possibility is best left explored in a therapist’s office. Hope this helps! If not, and if you can’t shake this obsession with Tech E, I would recommend your next step be to seek professional help. While it’s good you aren’t delusional and don’t believe Tech E to be real, your feelings of jealousy are still not healthy and may be indicative of something else troubling you that is not revealed in your letter. Good luck, Papabear
1 Comment
10/13/2019 12:30:48 pm
I know this is old, but I think I know who this Tech E Coyote is. lol.
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