Hello, Papabear,
My question is not urgent at all. My question is one that I believe will only be answered by a well-experienced furry who is unbiased. I've now been part of the furry fandom for about two months. I’m well underexperienced when it comes to a lot of topics. One topic I just don't understand: Why does the Furry Fandom and Brony Fandom not get along? Is it not two sides to the same coin? I've tried posting it in a few forums but got a lot of negative responses only in return, which really surprised me. (Note, I’m straight) I ask the question also because I found a new guy at work and befriended him and after talking he said he was a Brony, and in response I replied I'm a furry. All was going really good; actually thought, "Hey, a new friend," but instead the conversation halted and he got up and left! What? Not to mention there are a couple of videos on YouTube of some furries hating Brony. So am I missing something? Did a war happen that happen between the two fandoms? I don't really understand. White Tiger * * * Dear White Tiger, I have to be honest with you: I have not had much exposure to Bronies, personally. I have seen the “My Little Pony” show, but had to stop because it was so excessively sweet I was fearful of getting Type 2 Diabetes. It makes me want to poke my eyes out with farm implements and rub salt into the sockets. But that is just personal taste. This being said, I do not personally hate Bronies just because they like that show any more than I hate people who watch Honey Boo Boo. I also feel that, since they are fans of a show about anthropomorphized ponies, they fall well within the category of furry and should be treated as such. I have done some research on the topic as to why furries hate Bronies. I believe that one reason is the crass commercialism of the show and how many MLP fans buy lots of MLP merchandise and go so absolutely gaga over all of it. In fairness, furries buy a lot of junk, too, but it is not all centered on just one show. Another thing I read about is that furries often complain that Bronies are even bigger drama queens than many furries and that they see themselves as victims (like furries don't?). Furries have complained about the sense of humor of Bronies being overly punny, their tendency to turn everything into horse-related terms (like “clopping” for masturbation—as if furries don’t do the same thing), and of hijacking forums with incessant chattering about ponies. Here is an interesting letter I found on the Internet written by a Brony that criticizes his fellow Bronies: http://theultamate.blogspot.com/2012/09/a-bronys-letter-to-other-bronies-why-i.html. So it seems that even Bronies hate Bronies. Ouch, I see a parallel, as I have come across furries who hate and criticize furries. Again, this is all secondhand to me. I have never had any problems with Bronies, but then again, I don’t know any very well. I also feel that many of the complaints against Bronies are for offenses that I’ve seen furries commit themselves. Are Bronies more heinous about it? I have no idea, but I see a real case here of the pot calling the kettle black. This entire furry v. Brony thing is just another example of unnecessary drama, in Papabear’s opinion. There is already too much hate and prejudice in the world; why add to it? And it works both ways: it’s not just furries hating Bronies, but Bronies hating on furries. It is such a shame that you were making friends with this Brony and he cut you off without a second thought just because you’re a furry. That’s pretty shallow, in this bear’s book. To me, that’s just as bad as hating someone for the color of their skin or their sexual orientation before you even get to know them. It’s also a reason why I am still working on the American Furry Association, which will accept members of all kinds, including Bronies, as long as they are interested in anthropomorphic animals. The AFA will be a national effort to unite, rather than divide, furries and furry-related fandoms. Long story short, White Tiger, nothing specifically happened between furries and Bronies to start this feud. It is even less logical than the tragic Hatfields vs. McCoys story—at least that feud started because of a murder. No one’s been killed here, so let’s just chill out. It is just another sad case of human nature in which people do not like those who are different in any way. None of the arguments I’ve heard against Bronies is a good reason to hate them or treat them badly. The wise furry treats people on an individual basis, rather than writing off an entire group of people just because you don’t like what they might represent and enjoy themselves. Sure, some Bronies might be in-your-face about ponies and “Friendship is Magic” or whatever, but others probably are not nearly so derpy about it. In fact, I have a good furiend whose brother is a Brony and they get along great. The reason some furries hate Bronies is the same reason some white people hate black people, some Catholics hate Protestants, some Americans hate Mexicans, yadda yadda yadda. It’s all about being narrow-minded, intolerant, and ignorant. A true furry is someone who takes the best attributes of being human and being animal and combines them with perfection. A bad furry is someone who forgets that the fandom should be about acceptance and camaraderie and sharing in the fun and spirit of the anthropomorphic arts and community. Perhaps you can be one of those good furries, White Tiger, who extends a paw to a pony hoof in friendship, leading by example. Hugs, Papabear
Diamond Man
5/18/2013 07:27:23 pm
Heh, more like Furries vs. Furries sort of.. But anyway, yeah I agree.. If this world wasn't corrupt, we may not have this mess. But the hatred there does cause physical pain to some though. Like if someone was very strict about there own like, esp that one like, and then someone attacks him, then he gets a "heart attack".
The Gypsy Pastry Chef
8/12/2013 03:40:25 pm
I just found out about this fight today, and i just have one question... Why do the Furries and Bronies hate each other? I am a Furry and a Brony, and I see no real reason for them to hate each other, I would love to know exactly what they are hating, not Bronies, but what it is that Bronies do that they can't stand, and if there are Bronies out there that would shun people for being Furries, you would think that they would do that whole love and tolerate thing, and just accept the other person for who they are, not what interests they have, that "conflict" with theirs, even though, in my eyes, they seem to be the same thing, Brony would seem to be a sub section of Furry, just another branch on the tree so to speak right?
8/13/2013 01:46:57 am
I agree with you that Bronies are a subset of Furries. I don't know what to say about the prejudice in the fandom against Bronies. Not all furries feel negatively against them, but a lot do. I suppose it is all part and parcel with human nature. To act as some furries do about Bronies is a very human, not furry, thing IMO. It is all about hating people who are different from you in some way. I don't get it and, frankly, I feel it gives the fandom a black eye. As for Team Fortress 2...? Just a multiplayer shooter game that a lot of furries seem to enjoy. I've never played it, but it must be pretty engaging for so many people to like it. You are not required to like Team Fortress 2 to be a furry, just to ease your mind on that one.
3/29/2014 04:10:53 pm
Thats right. Not all furries are that way. One of my best friends at worknis a brony. And were good friends outside of work to. Now that doesnt mean I dont tease him about it. Ill admitn I do but then he says something about me and my wolf foursona. Its all in good fun. Leave a Reply. |
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