Dear Papabear,
I've been thinking about whether or not I should fatten up any furry characters who aren't Christians. You see, most of my fat comics and skinny pictures have portrayed Christian birds and other animals, and I'd like to know this: Is it a good idea, or should I just stick to my Christianized characters? Signed, Penguin Dareangel12 (P.S. I believe that fattening up humans - which I've NEVER done - disgraces God's image since He created human beings in his likeness; however, I know that fattening up animals is perfectly fine since they're NOT created in His image. Isn't that cool?) * * * Dear Penguin, Well, I'm sorry to inform you that that is utter nonsense. "Created in God's image" has nothing to do with your body. What is meant by that is that human beings possess souls; God is Spirit, and this spirit imbues our essence. It has nothing to do with your body. God doesn't look like a Homo sapiens. God is beyond mere physicality. God does not have a gender or legs or eyes or a mouth or hands or anything like that. Christian portrayals of God as an old man on a throne are mere anthropomorphic interpretations of the Great Spirit. Therefore, in your art, portraying Christians or non-Christians as overweight is not an insult to God because it is completely unrelated to God. I'm surprised you didn't know that. But there it is. I think if you talked to any modern priest or minister they would agree on this point. That said, I am not a Christian and have different ideas about the spiritual, but that is a longer letter.... Hugs, Papabear
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