Hello, Papabear, I don't think I have any other way to say this, but . . . I think I might be gay. You see, whenever I see an attractive man I get turned on, but when I see a girl, I don't. I'm not really a feminine person, like some gay men are, but I guess I've always been kinda "weird." I have Asperger's, after all. I've never really had any crushes on another male, I just have a sexual attraction to them. But here is the problem - my family, especially on my dad's side, are very Christian. If I admit to being gay to my mom's side of the family, I'm guessing they will either accept it or tell me it's just a phase. But I'm afraid that my dad's side will disown me. I am a Christian myself, but I don't want to trash my beliefs just because I might be gay. God loves all of his children, no matter what. Sincerely, Steve * * * Dear Steve, If you are sexually attracted to men and not to women, then you are gay. There is no “think” about it, hon, so start by admitting it to yourself. It doesn’t matter whether or not you have been in an actual relationship with a man, you are drawn to them, so there you go. You note that you are not a “feminine person,” which indicates to Papabear you fell into the same trap he did: when I was young, I thought the definition of a gay man was not just that he was attracted to men, but also that he should be a girlie boy and talk with a lisp, be into cutesy clothes, and love decorating. Nonsense. My head was spun around when I found the bear community: masculine men who are gay. That was it for me. One look and I knew I had found what I needed in life. ![]() Still from the YouTube video "Being a Christian Furry" As for your “very Christian” family, especially on your dad’s side, I find that expression funny, as if someone can be “sort of Christian” or “extremely Christian” etc. What you really mean, of course, is that your dad’s family are highly conservative Christians. Papabear has always maintained that such folk are not true Christians because true Christians are tolerant of others. They accept all types (Jesus hung out with prostitutes and the destitute and was always kind to them). The core of Christianity is that you accept Jesus in your heart as the Son of God and that you try to emulate his life, which means being kind to others (you recognize this, I see--good!) If your father and his side of the family were true Christians, you would not be afraid of them at all. Too many times Papabear has come across judgmental, hateful “Christians” who cause more darkness and hell in the world than Satan does, quite frankly (because they are two-faced). You, on the other hand, sound more like a true Christian. Therefore, here are a couple really neat sites just for you!
Papabear suggests you visit these websites and talk to the experts there on how to come out furry to your Christian family. Bear Hugs from a Pagan, Papabear
4/6/2016 11:59:43 am
Sorry I'm getting here a little late, but I might also suggest another group, one that specifically supports LGBT Christian (and Interfaith) Furries. Rainbow Ark was founded in 2004 as a LiveJournal which is still going, but there's a whole website since 2009, MyRainbowArk.com which acts as a hub to a variety of resources, all of our social media spots including Twitter, FurAffinity, Facebook, our Forums, our testimonies, our inclusive Bible study, gallery, all kinds of stuff. Thank you PapaBear for doing what you do. :)
4/7/2016 09:29:26 am
No, thank YOU for telling me about a site I was unaware of! Linking you now!
I'm 33 year old man Latino and Native American Heritage, I loss my Husbear since was 32 yo still grieving from his passing. I used to cub frame until my hubby passed lost a lot weight and find bear bf material hard now just damn chaser looking .I am looking for love again but there is guy who loves me and I don't think we good match anymore and he triggers me I have two mental diagnosis .I don't know how tell him is over. I need help finding bear bf with my faith values
Trevor Slone
2/23/2017 12:37:59 pm
I feel for this poster. I was born with an incredibly high IQ and raised by a Christian family. I am studied philosophy and am getting my Phd even. I have always struggled with my high IQ bouncing around from job to job or homeless shelter to homeless shelter. I have been twice divorced (unwanted) and a history of bad relationships. I have been suppressing my homosexual desires for so long. We will see where the road takes me. I know that I am grace driven. Thanks.
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