Before You Convince Friends That Furries Are Cool, You Need to Be Comfortable in Your Own Skin1/19/2016 Hello there!
I've heard great things about you. I am relatively new to the fandom and my friends don't know that. These friends of mine really dislike furries as a whole yet they know nothing about them. I was wondering if you had any tips on how I can convince them that furries aren't bad and something they shouldn't hate without giving away that I am a furry. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Someone on the Internet (age 14) * * * Dear Someone, As with any type of prejudice, hatred of furries is born of ignorance on the part of the hater. (As you might have heard, I’m working on a book to help correct this ignorance, but it’s been delayed because I’ve had to finish the book Yogi was working on when he passed away). Therefore, the best way to convince someone that furries are nice people is to introduce them to furries and have them get to know furries as people. If your only impression of someone is what you see on TV or on the Internet, you’re going to get the wrong idea. Why? Well, because the media thrives on getting people upset and fearful; the more controversy they stir up the more people watch their broadcasts and websites. As you said, your friends know nothing about furries. You can talk to them until you’re blue in the face, but unless they get to know us you aren’t going to change their minds. See if you can take your friends to a furry meet, or even a furcon. They’ll discover we’re very nice, creative, and fun people. How do you do this without telling them you’re a furry? Well, if you’re too embarrassed to admit you’re a furry, then that’s something you should perhaps work on first for yourself before you go trying to convince your friends about us. Your friends would have to be awfully dumb not to figure out you’re a furry if you are spending lots of time trying to convince them the fandom is great. Remember, real friends will like you for you. If they don’t, they aren’t real friends and you’re better off without them. This is a difficult lesson for any teenager to learn because we’re so desperate at that age to “fit in,” but it’s one worth learning. Hugs, Papabear
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