I recently found out about furries ad I have became one because it makes me feel good and no longer shy. I have tails I use but I don't know how to explain to parents... I'm very nervous. Shadow Wolf * * * Hi, Sweetie, I think you’re about the youngest furry to write me so far. Nice to hear from you :-3 The problem a lot of new furries seem to have is that they buy into the notion that being a furry is somehow bad or wrong just because it is not something most people do. Getting your mom and dad to understand that being a furry is just a fun thing and not a threat or scary in any way should be as simple as saying, “Hey, Mom and Dad, guess what? I like Bugs Bunny cartoons!” Who would be upset by that? And, as for wearing a tail and such, playing “dress up” is part of most kids’ childhoods, even those who aren’t furries. I’d like you to watch this video from my friends at FurMedia. It is a parent explaining her reactions to and acceptance of her furry children: http://www.livestream.com/furmedia/video?clipId=pla_415ae6b2-e180-473e-a5e2-6541276fc511&utm_source=lslibrary&utm_medium=ui-thumb You can show that to your parents, if you like. As I’ve said in other letters, of course, telling your family about your furriness also depends on how open-minded they are. Some parents are very controlling, protective, and offended by anything out of the ordinary; other parents—the good ones—will see that being a furry makes you happy and they will support you. If your parents are like that, there is nothing to fear. You can also aid in this process by learning more about furry and its history. You know, modern furry began simply as a bunch of sci-fi/fantasy buffs who liked anthropomorphic characters. They got together talked about books and movies that had characters who were animals but could also talk or had other human qualities. It continued from there to what it is today: an incredibly diverse fandom with people in it who have a wide range of interests. Caution your parents that not all furries are the same, and make it clear to them what kind of furry you are. If it will help, tell your parents they can write to Papabear and ask questions about the fandom. I would be happy to answer anything they would like to talk about. Welcome to the fandom! Don’t be scared. You now have a furry family! Papabear
7/1/2014 02:48:14 pm
Im a 10 too.glad to see im not alone.:D
2/24/2016 08:29:34 pm
:) same ❤️❤️❤️
Kiva Tea
7/22/2016 04:51:33 pm
I am 11 yrs old. I told my parents that i was a furry' and this was they're reaction: Meh. xD
4/2/2018 03:23:07 am
I also recently discovered furries and I am also 11, but it do not know what to say...
Nina clinton
11/19/2018 12:00:29 pm
Aww lucky your parents understood I haven’t told mine but I’ll probably get into lots of trouble if I say
5/25/2020 08:52:53 am
I also happen to be 11. But my parents think that being a furry is weird and messed up...I don’t know what to do, since I am a furry myself!? I need help! My mom now gives me a weird look when I mention ANYTHING about animals!! Even when I talk about how cute our dog is!! I’m freaking out!! I need help (ㆀ˘・-・˘)
7/25/2020 06:17:51 pm
i need some help... im an 11 furry, my mom is the type say 'ok'' but say "i need to look more into it" and if she searches up furries- dear god she will not be happy with what she sees on google images of furries- im scared XD!!!!! papa bear can you halp me????? also, are you papa bear from bearenstein bears????! i just found you recently, i just have always wanted to be an animal since i was really young, i'd walk on 4 feet all aroung th house! before i know what a furry was, i still always dreamed of being an animal, what i said about my mom is the only thing im worried, ik theres nothing wrong with furries, they are just people who like anthropromotion animals! (idk how to spell it :p) but theres also a sex related side of furries, im not that! i just really enjoy being an animal! and if she searches about furry fandom and what its about, the images will be... questionable to my mom, and the websites would be like 'but theres also a sex related side of furries" and she will look into every inch of it- my dad is really strict and most of the time i want to rip his head off (when he emotionally breaks me-) he is real mean, he is rarely in a good mood, no one want to be around him, my mom and mybro agree he sucks, he is also very religious, stubborn, but also kinda stupid honestly, it would feel awkward to tell my dad im a furry, he wont even know what a furry is o.o,, if you know how i feel... it will be a lil less awkward with my mom, she is really nice! and my bro same, so i need advice here thank you!
11/21/2020 07:46:41 pm
Same but I’m wayyy to afraid to tell my parents
1/23/2021 07:25:04 pm
im also 11 im a dino mask furry but im scared to tell my parents they usually are understanding but im still scared i had to wait 2 months before telling my friends
Bon Dog
1/25/2021 06:08:13 am
This was in 2016 so yes, I'm 11 and I also told them I was a furry and they didn't know what I meant ;-;
2/5/2021 10:08:18 am
I’m 11 and I to.d my mom if she knows what a furry and she said yes but then I said I am one and she said “No!” but my friend is going to get me a custom made furry suite so I hope my mom will understand more....
Savannah James
2/12/2021 09:55:17 am
my parents don't really care..my cousin makes fursuits.
Moon the fox
2/27/2021 08:15:02 pm
I tried to tell my mom that I’m a furry but she thinks badly of them and so I haven’t told her that I’m still one
Oreo the Wolf
5/7/2021 08:10:10 pm
im also 11 too and wow I was scrolling through this whole page and there is so much lol. im also a furry and I have a fursona already. i discovered furries a few months ago which is kinda recent in my opinion. im not sure my parents know about the fandom yet and i am literally scared for my life to explain and not get a good reaction!!! they did say that they would accept anyone for who they are though... also we do have a dog so hopefully he helps ;-;
7/29/2021 03:59:52 am
So like i was afried to tel my mum And i told her And she was like Well then u have to go to a afton job i was like meh but im stil searchign for a furry suit THATs al byee
1/25/2022 03:07:59 pm
Haha.. I’m turning 12 this April, and glad to see a site with furry kids and middle schoolers such as myself! My mom’s reaction was the same, she didn’t care and moved on with her life, understanding my explanation of what furries are! Soon enough, she’ll take me to Micheal’s for foam, faux fur, mesh, and well, you get the picture, fursuit materials! She has a fursona made by me, and so do my 7 and 4 y.o cousins! (I plan on making a mini partial for the 7 y.o cousin)
Love and cats
3/6/2024 07:32:05 pm
I am also 11! And also a furry. I really want to tell my parents, but I’m way too nervous
It's impossible to tell my parents I like furrys and I am one
6/9/2020 04:03:03 am
I'm 10 i might sneak In furry con soon😁
1/11/2023 09:02:37 am
I would love to go to a fur con but my parents don’t even know I’m a furry and I don’t know how to tell them but to be honest it would be impossible for me to sneak into a fur con they are hours away and if I tell my mom about it she will look at me and say WTH WHY THATS GROSE AND YOUR NOT AN ANIMAL! But she doesn’t even know what a furry is she only knows furry means people who think there an animal. But I don’t think im an animal I like being a part of animal related and the whole animals with human characteristics. But I don’t know what to say ima little scared of my parents they are the type with some crazy physical punishment and stuff and well I’ve been a furry for 2 years and I have a very bad connection or relationship with my parents and that scares me that I’m a furry and they are going to find out . But yet it has been my dream to go to a fur con for ever and I hope I can tell my Parents.
Elysia Nova
6/24/2024 02:36:22 pm
I'm 9, I'm a furry and have a fursona (elysia nova) and I want to tell my parents they are very open minded and supportive and they know I'm into anthro animals. I want to get a fursuit and go to a convention, but I'm kind of scared and shy. Also do you have to be a certain age to go to a furry convention? With my parents of course
2/9/2017 06:12:39 pm
Funny I am also 10 and I am a furry!
10/9/2018 09:05:19 am
3/24/2019 04:47:39 pm
I am 11 and I am a furry, I've been showing my parents my Dutch angel dragon fursona and they think it is awsome! (I dont think they know what a furry is)
11/7/2019 12:45:06 pm
I'm 10, AND i'm a furry aswell!
12/10/2020 11:04:42 am
my mom knows that i like furrys but then she researched and she said no and i was making a suit behind her back cuz i just couldnt resist... then she found out and know she is mad.... what do i doo
5/17/2023 11:28:40 pm
I'm a furry to but the other day I herd my mum and dad were talking bad about furrys I'M A 9YR OLD FURRY.
2/18/2017 10:20:13 pm
im 12 :)
3/24/2017 06:36:13 pm
1/31/2020 11:26:39 am
12/9/2020 08:26:03 am
i am 10 an i have told my dad i want to be a furry and even showed him some tic tocks of them on youtube because he is the most chill and my brothers they are fine with it but i have not told my mom please help me she is not as chill as dad but still chill i really need help telling her i want to be a furry!!!! XD
1/8/2021 12:36:07 pm
i'm 12 too, i show my fursona to my family members, but they dont know its my fursona.
5/17/2023 11:35:06 pm
I've told my friends that I'm a furry but I don't think I can tell my mom and dad I'm scared
3/14/2024 01:30:35 pm
im a 10 yr old furry and im scared to tell parents bc they HATE furries..
6/27/2017 06:35:58 pm
Ricky bells
4/30/2018 08:59:46 am
I'm a furry and my dad beats me
woah there dad
11/5/2018 10:03:45 am
my dad beats me aswell
Skyler The Wolf
6/11/2019 08:33:36 am
Yo! if your dad beats you, Call Child Protection Services (CPS)
5/25/2020 08:56:17 am
WOW!! That’s not okay!!! You need to call child services and get out of there!! 😰
Tik’ vah the Canaan Dog
6/20/2021 01:16:52 am
That’s just the black side of punishment lol (he does that too🤣) 2/14/2023 05:45:36 pm
Uhm.. tell somebody, please! That’s not ok and he should be arrested or something like that.
12/20/2019 12:50:40 pm
Me too I have paws and a tail I made (That tail is horrible) I wanna wear it around but I'm shy . I have told my mom but my dad doesn't know (I think) I really want a head and some feet. And im only ten I'm scared to come out but I can tell my mom doesn't accept me
9/27/2021 04:21:03 am
I am 11 and I’m a furry but I told my mum and dad if I could look into a suit but they just said “ haha they’re really expensive and your still growing! And when you grow out of it, you won’t be able to sell it for the same price!” You can so do that! I just want help. And I’ll be happier! 4/19/2023 02:21:52 am
Me to my dad said that exact same and I did the same as you did
ally cat
9/6/2020 01:27:04 pm
Davon Bennett
10/24/2024 10:47:50 am
hey, i am struggling with the same issues. i identify as a cute little kitty cat. i am so scared to come out to my friends, they all see me as tough and rough. i am afraid they wont want to be my friend anymore if they find out. kms.
11/20/2020 04:39:02 pm
Hello! I`mma 10 yrl furry too, glad to see I have a fellow kid furry <3
1/7/2021 12:46:28 pm
I'm a 9yr and my mom thinks it's a bad thing! :(
2/12/2021 09:42:07 pm
im very scared to tell my mom and dad i am afrade to tell them and i cant get or make a fursuit because of this i really want to join the camonate. in grandrapids there are no furry i have lived here my hole life so i would me alone in my city
Tatum ❣️❣️
5/9/2021 06:32:44 pm
3/27/2022 12:06:10 pm
I'm 11 and a furry, nice 2 know I'm not alone with my 2 other furry friends
I'm 9- and my mom knows what a furry is but my family (including me) is Christian, and because I told my parents about the sex related side and they found out that most furries are lgbtq+ (it's sinful in my religion) they get mad every time I try to come out as a furry even tho I'm straight!
12/12/2023 03:41:17 pm
i havent told my parents either im so freaked out!! i dont know if they will except me or not😐🐺
11/7/2014 06:42:56 am
Same here! I find it pretty hard to let the message get out to my relatives, but I've really only told my sister as she was the one close person I felt able to tell.
1/6/2018 03:05:14 am
that's great i am 12 and i would never tell my sister even if she promised not to tell anyone i wouldn't ever
Im 11 and i think my dad would actully like me being à furry since he already kinda knows cause hes gonna make à fursuit with me of mangle from fnaf and hè does cosplay too so i think hè would be pretty chill about it :) as for my mom i think she would think iTS cute xD
11/18/2014 01:37:21 am
i told my parents that im a furry but they don't understand me can you help me
Commander Kitty (my fur name!)
7/5/2015 06:53:13 am
I'm 10 too! So happy im nt alone.
Emma skyra
8/26/2015 12:41:39 pm
I am 13. I read this and I am going to tell them tomorrow. Thx!
Wolffy (11/wolf/gay)
9/19/2015 02:21:45 am
I told my parents and they sent me to church and the church man did things to me that i wish other wolves would x333
9/21/2015 04:31:47 pm
Wait--what? Are you saying that your minister or priest molested you, Wolffy?
2/24/2016 08:30:57 pm
Oh my gosh! That would be awful! Gosh, I hope not.
2/22/2018 05:46:27 am
Um.... that sounds bad. Please write to me using the online form.
3/24/2018 08:46:05 am
Oh shoot wot u doin boi
7/25/2020 06:22:49 pm
churches are messed up, they make you pay to talk to god, when they themselves are only human- no wonder they are so rich, the money goes to them, and i heard on the news that many famous preists have been taddled on by littl kids who got violated and molested and are told not to tell anyone about it...
Tik’ vah the Canaan dog
6/20/2021 01:22:31 am
My church uses the money for children’s church and fundraisers and what not so not all churches lie!
1/13/2016 05:18:03 pm
I was 7 years old (2004 on a November night while playing halo 2) I started being a furry at a young age but then I hardly know what a furry was since I watched that 1000 ways to die episode.
1/13/2016 05:19:06 pm
1/13/2016 05:21:37 pm
At that age, my parents already know that how much I love animals/humanoid animals from movies or shows (thanks Disney and different productions)
2/29/2016 10:46:51 pm
I am 12 and I have been studying up on furries and I was thinking about maybe getting a tail or something but I don't want my friends to laugh at me or make fun of me because I am not sure if I really want to be furry
4/13/2016 04:07:12 pm
I'm 12 to. I'm a furry. I don't have a fursuit. Instead i use a onesie. Close enough right?
Itz_SplotchYT / 11 / furry
7/25/2020 06:25:52 pm
you dont need a fursuit to be a furry!!! you just have to like animals with human characterisitcs, but if youre talking about a fursuit, yea a onesie i good! i have a uni one :3
5/5/2017 07:40:54 am
Dude it's not just about idk getting a tail. In the furry fandom it's about leaving your old life behind because you want to be somebody else completely. Oh and as for your friends if they're your real friends don't support you on Oh and as for your friends if they're your real friends they'll support you on it. As for telling your parents and your siblings yeah that's where I'm stuck too, my name is Mateo I am 15 years old I have been a furry for three years now. But my parents are super strict and overprotective so I don't know how they would take it pretty sure my dad would disown me if he found out.
5/5/2017 07:42:28 am
oops typo I meant if they're your real friends they will support you sorry
7/25/2020 06:27:39 pm
where are you people thinking of getting thse tails?? i want a tail too :0
Willy Da Wolf (fur name)
4/23/2016 07:37:19 pm
I'm An 11 year old who was born into a christian family and i cant get my parents who are very protective, or my older siblings to get that a furry is not bad, but just something that makes me happy, Can You Help?
4/25/2016 09:55:23 am
Dear Furiend. Everyone is different, so it is hard to give you specific advice until you give me a lot more detail. Please go to the Write Me page if you wish, or visit the http://www.askpapabear.com/letters/category/coming%20out%20furry section of the site and browse the letters there. Hugs.
Hey im jaylynn and i've been wanting a fursuit for YEEAARS!!!😭 but im so scared to ask my parents thay think im a gay queer weirdo that i want i fursuit😭 i need help! I like fursuits because i think there being an cute little fluffy animal and being in a cartoon costume and my mom thinks of M.U.R.R.S.U.I.T.S! And thinks im a gay furry girl! WHYYY! Heck I have a Christian mom and I told my dad but not my mom... I have the same problem (also fun fact my two brothers, yes counting my adopted one, are furries too)
Danny M. (14, Bi, Furry!)
5/29/2016 12:31:58 am
Okay I'm gonna try to make this hopefully short and sweet. I'm 14, my name is Danny, (Just for extra assurance) and I live in California... So anyways, I am a furry, very nice and polite, BUT I'm scared that one day my parents will find out and it's gonna go downhill from there. Telling me things like: "This is stupid/weird/pointless". Ya know, stuff that hurts the furry community and me personally... So I need to tell them that furrys are special and they just don't understand how awesome they really are! But I'm scared to tell them... Please help... Q~Q - Danny, with hugs and kisses
6/25/2016 06:56:46 pm
6/27/2016 01:45:07 pm
I am a little scared to I really want a Japanese style blue fursuit but pricing is so expensive and I have $10 lol anyway my parents idk how to tell them to them a furry is a bad thing why can't the world understand and
Alpha Sergeant
5/6/2020 12:01:53 pm
don't feel alone you're not the only one having this issue and we can all make it together
Cosmo fursona name
6/15/2020 08:39:12 am
that fursuit style is called kemono. i wanted a kemono suit too of a dragon
7/25/2020 06:31:47 pm
hey kataco, you should NOT get a fursuit when you hvent finished growing, you will grow out of it fast and itll end up being a waste, either wait till youre done growing, or buy a fursuit just to see you dont fit it anymore in 2 years, or stop growing xddd
Cosmo (fursona name)
6/15/2020 08:37:53 am
rly? y u not write
3/21/2022 02:26:24 pm
They cost more around 2,000 if you want a good one that won't fall apart.
7/25/2020 06:33:28 pm
anthropromorphic animals can be any animal who walks, talks, or has clothes
1/10/2017 02:29:46 pm
awww im 14 but im also too scared to tell them :( Idk how but i know my mom is gonna be like: you're so damn weird
2/22/2018 05:45:32 am
Please write to me using the online form.
5/5/2017 07:22:33 am
I am 15 and a furry. My fursona is a wolf-dragon hybrid called Cypher
Im a fury
8/29/2017 09:33:17 am
I want to be a fury as I reckon it is cute but I can't afford it as they are £25 or over and I'm scared of telling everyone as they might think I'm weird and crazy.
Raspberry Splash
12/6/2017 03:42:25 pm
I'm a 9 yr old furry and I still find it impossible to confess to my parents... >_<
3/24/2018 08:57:15 am
Heck you’re 9?! Oh my god I was like 8 when I became a furry i’ve been a furry for 3 years- I really hope you have some luck in being a 9 year old furry..
7/21/2018 06:03:01 am
12/6/2017 03:43:35 pm
In 11 I want a fur suit but there so expensive and my parents don't know I'm a furry °~°
12/11/2017 02:10:00 pm
Hi. I am 13 and I found out about the furry. But I am nervous about telling my parents. And I really want to be a furry
1/4/2018 04:59:55 am
I'm 11 and terrified to tell my parents. I'm afraid they won't understand.. Also, it would scare me if the word got out that I was furry to people I know from school. I'm kinda popular in school and I don't want to lose friends, but its really frustrating not being able to be myself :C
2/16/2018 07:29:53 pm
Hey.. umm Papa bear. What if your parents are christian and see the... sexual part of the commuity? I'm 11 and you can see how that's desturbing for me to even know that.
2/22/2018 05:39:12 am
Yes, I get this question a lot. The answer to it will take many pages, which is one thing I am writing about in the book. VERY short answer: 1) sexuality is part of human nature and is all over the Internet, not just furry sites. Furries are no more into sex than any other healthy people. 2) Only a minority of furries are into furporn; there is SO MUCH more to the fandom than that, but that is what gets hyped by the media. 3) You are 11, so naturally your parents would be concerned. The best solution is to welcome them to observe and monitor your online behavior; hide nothing; download nothing; stay away from sites such as e621 and keep your furry socializing to safer sites such as Facebook and Twitter. 4) Join a Christian furry group such as Christian Furry Fellowship at http://furryfellowship.org/. 5) If you can, take them to a furcon and they will see it is quite tame and fun! Hope that helps
Apollo 78
6/20/2018 09:24:51 am
11 yrs old and scared to tell my parents. they never get me anything over $200 and the makers i'v seen charge about $3,000.
6/21/2018 07:53:42 am
There are cheaper options. Get a partial fursuit and/or a pre-owned fursuit. Maybe just start with the head. At 11, you don't want a full fursuit because you will outgrow it.
chary the dutch angel dragon
8/6/2018 09:51:11 am
im 11 and i want to go to cons but im arfaid to tell my parents.my mom did once on pintrest if a was a furry but i had no idea at that time what a furry was.
Shikuna(cat/dragon) /Loki(lion) I have two fursonas .-.
4/8/2019 01:49:51 pm
heh.. my parents don't know I'm a furry and my older sister found out in a pretty chill way. She literally walked in on me while I was making a fursuit ( I only have one paw done ;A; )
5/28/2019 02:25:01 pm
I Want to have a fursuit but i am scared to ask my mom ive showed her videos and i talk to my younger brother about it I am mostly scared about how my dad might react to it. I need some adivce plz
5/28/2019 02:37:34 pm
Well, you can say it's a lot like Comicon and all the Marvel and DC stuff only it emphasizes animals. We're fans of movies like Zootopia. Hopefully she would understand that better.
9/5/2019 03:45:29 pm
So I am even and my sister makes fun of me for being a furryy and I like being a furry it's FUN. But I want to take it to e next level by buying a fursuit... by the sister's are going to be rude.... How do I tell them I'm a furry and to tell them to nnot make fun of me???
Papabear Grubbs
9/8/2019 12:14:55 pm
Hello, Sirus,
Keleon (She/Her)
2/14/2023 05:49:38 pm
My sister thinks furries are weird but she lets me be one. She doesn’t bring it up at all either and I’m flad
Ari The Tiger ♡
9/21/2019 09:23:09 am
I’m 10 and I think my parents have found out but I’m not fully sure yet and if they are not, I still don’t want to tell them, but it’s hard because I am the furry kid at my school and my friends always joke about it around my parents soooo... I think they already know
10/27/2019 09:32:58 am
Glad to know their are kids that are curries 🙇+🐺
[redacted for privacy reasons]
1/22/2021 03:58:02 am
I am a furry, not a curry. Furries are cute and awesome while curry is the most delicious thing ever, big difference.
11/20/2019 10:20:40 am
Im 11 and i don't really know how to tell anyone in my family im a furry, I haven't told anyone yet and i feel like if i tell them they'll Get weirded out by me. Im even scared too get a fursuit or just a tail or ears. I am even paranoid they'll find this text! Please help me.
Hello all your questions sound so awesome and just like me! Im 12 and i want i fursuit cuz i thought thay were fluffy cute costumes and my mom snaped! And said furries are Sick!!! And i said im not one of those! Im a cute one! A cartoon costume furry! And then my mom said god will not take me to haven if i want to be animals! Cuz god made me a human so i us all might go to Hell so pls people pray i love you ALL i want i fursuit so bad but i dont think i will Ever get one my mom thinks there Demonic im so upset i could bang my head on the wall! Im jaylynn and i approve this message! PLS READ MY IMPORTNET ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️MESSAGE⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
2/14/2020 01:22:20 pm
I’m 11, mentally 13 and I’m scared to tell my parents that I am a furry even though they probably have no idea what a furry is. I’ve asked to get ears and a tail and my moms just like,” No, you acted like a wolf for to long(since I was 3) and I’m not encouraging it. Don’t ask me again.” So now I just wear head bands that have ears you’d probably find at the dollar tree and I feel depressed all the time because of it. 😿
6/15/2020 08:35:15 am
Hi i am 10 my fursona is a Space Dragon Named Cosmo (funny thing is i have a parakeet named cosmo). I first discovered furries when i was just searching random stuff up. ever since i was 8 i have been interested in getting a fursuit. but i dont know how my family is going to react to me being a furry. What do i do?
6/15/2020 08:42:01 am
Hi. There is an entire category of letters addressing this topic. Go here https://www.askpapabear.com/letters/category/coming%20out%20furry to learn more. If you have a special situation, you can always write me using the online form.
6/22/2020 11:16:30 am
I am 10 and scared to tell my incredibly strict mom that i wanna be a furry she would probably ground me for it tho
7/27/2020 05:25:10 am
Hi, Itz,
2/11/2021 06:18:52 pm
I have always been a furry since I was 12. I'm now 19 and have a few online furry friends in the fandom. I want acceptance from my parents but they don't like it and never have and say really rude and nasty things to me about it. I really want acceptance from them but I guess they won't change. What advice would you give and how can I make new friends in the fandom? Thanks!
3/12/2021 07:13:22 am
I am 12 and I always loved pretending to be a animal in roleplay games, and i always fantasized about having wings. I just found out about them , but if she finds a sex side, she will freak!
Candy the snow leopard
4/22/2021 04:46:54 pm
me to I'm 11 and I am wayyyyyyyyyyy to scared to tell my parents and my friends
5/7/2021 06:01:25 am
I'm 11 and I still haven't told my parents... if they are supportive... then I think i will try to pursuade them to go to furrycon
11/8/2022 11:13:41 pm
Yo, i really want to go to furry con too and is also afraid to tell my parents. xd (im 11 too)
Tik’ vah The Canaan Dog >:3
6/20/2021 01:12:25 am
I’m 11 and I’m not that scared of telling them because that already know I LOVE animals, I draw furries, and they’ve seen me make my own. But they don’t exactly know what a furry is and they probably think I’m just drawing oc’s from zootopia and they’re like “¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Welp she’s a weird child!”
9/24/2021 09:14:10 pm
I told my parents and they didn't accept me. I was pretty young at the time, but my mom just called it creepy and told me she never wanted to hear about it again. It was pretty harsh. I recommend to only tell your parents or guardian if they are not as close minded or strict. Not everyone likes furs, so you have to be careful out there!
12/11/2021 08:55:47 pm
It's nice to know I'm not the only young furry. :)
3/27/2022 12:07:08 pm
I'm glad I'm not the only young furry with only my 2 other furry friends, I'm just glad
8/5/2022 06:37:13 pm
I am also 11 and I am afraid to tell my parents I am a furry.. I have developed anxiety from this.. what do I do?
8/19/2022 11:14:10 pm
same but I'm going to wait intel I am in my own home and than going to tern up in a fur suet
2/14/2023 05:52:51 pm
@ lily - Great idea!
Delilah wolf
10/20/2022 11:08:07 pm
Help!! My Parents don’t Love furries and I really want to be one, I’m 10!!!!!Please help!
2/14/2023 05:52:05 pm
1/11/2023 08:41:39 am
I need some help with me being a furry and my parents don’t like furries and I’m scared to tell them. I’m 12 I really need help!!! This makes me happy but my parents really think furries are stupid because all they know is that it’s people who think there animals and that’s not the part I like!! I like the fact that it’s animals with human characteristics that can talk. And people get together at fur cons, but my parents aren’t supportive of any thing like furries or LGBTQIA’s. PLEASE HELP!!!
2/14/2023 05:51:16 pm
You should tell them furries don’t think they are animals. Therians think they are animals. And just tell them it’s a neat, fun hobby
Sammy Watkins
2/1/2023 06:54:05 pm
I dressed up as a panda for halloween (mask and all), and I borrowed a panda costume that someone made a few years back. I was pretty inspired by that, so I want to make my own fursuit head (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fn-NNR4u6XI), feet, and paws. I want to keep the whole "furry" thing a secret, or I'll just call it a costume if they find out I'm making it. How would I get foam and fur and supplies for it without them knowing?
Keleon The Dutchie (She/Her)
2/14/2023 05:57:14 pm
I’m really insecure about being a furry, and I’m around your age! My friend is a furry and is bullied for it but she doesn’t care. I just don’t have anywhere near that sort of confidence! I told my sister of course because she is the. Only one I feel who I can tell anything two. My mom thinks fursuits are creepy, and I told her I like them. I have also told her I have something to say to her but am scared to. I think this helped, but I’m glad to know that there are tons of other furries my age! I just found this fandom mid January 2023 and I was like “dang I’m a furry now” (well not literally) but anyway, I have a fursona named Keleon the Dutch angel dragon. My parent doesn’t know that I’m a furry but I’m slowly going to send her furry stuff and see how she reacts. I don’t want to tell her directly. I want to see if she’ll ask me the question.
Keleon (She/her)
2/14/2023 05:58:47 pm
My ENTIRE school hates furries. I don’t know what to do! If anyone replies to my messages, please either agree with me or give me advice on how to tell my mom or what to do.
Keleon (She/Her)
2/14/2023 06:01:14 pm
Yes It’s me again surprise surprise! I want to make my own fursuit head. I already know the materials I need but at my age, my mom would have to buy those things for me. I couldn’t do it in secret, either. So I honestly don’t know what to do. I just got a tail and ears for Valentine’s Day because I sent them to her telling her I wanted them. Maybe that hints something. Any advice on how to hint to her that I’m a furry? I have massive anxiety problems which doesn’t help anything, of course.
2/14/2023 06:06:52 pm
And if papa bear ever sees this, I’m looking to write a letter to you but I don’t want to write my first and last name. Can I just use a different name? Idk it makes me uncomfortable
4/19/2023 02:28:50 am
Help me I told my dad and he disapproved and I hid away the fact im one and I'm scared
6/13/2023 10:10:53 pm
Im a furry but I'm scared to tell my faimily espesily my mother she don't like furrys and I'm not sure why nobody but 1 or 2 friends at school know and im not sure what to do
I just found out about this website and i am soooooooo glad I did because i am scared to come out to my parents as bi and a furry. I just about cried when I found this website. By the way im 12 so yeah. I have a fursona named scarlet and she is like the daughter of little red ridding hood and the big bad wolf if they were the same age. She is kinda a furry but she just has ears and a tail. Someday i want to get a fursuit. sorry that was long but one more thing. THANK YOU PAPABEAR! :)
Midnight Speaker
9/18/2024 10:16:56 pm
I am 11, but i haven't told my parents that i'm a furry. (I'm a d h d and o d d)
Hi I'm ten and I'm a furry my fursona is a brown bunny I was talking about furry's with my mom and then she said " not to upset you but if your 30 and acting like a animal people are going to think you are weird" and then I said well ... Can I have a cat mask? And then she said " right now? Yes" and I fet
Hi its EVELINE again and today at school I showed a kid my fursona the brown bunny 🐰 and then him and another kid said that it was weird and gay:-( and I ask how is it gay!? And then he said because all furries are gay and then I told the teacher and he got in trouble :-) Bey!!
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